Kehidupan hati, adalah sumber dari segala kebaikan. Kematian hati, adalah sumber dari segala keburukan. Hati tidak bisa hidup dan sehat, kecuali dengan menjadikan Allah SWT, sebagai Tuhannya, tujuan hidupnya, dan Sesuatu yang paling dicintainya." (Ibnul Qoyyim Al-Jauziyah)


Selasa, 25 Mei 2010

Daemon Tools Pro Advanced 4.36.0309

DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced Edition - a program to emulate a virtual drive on the operating systems Windows 2000/XP/Vista (supports both 32 - and 64-bit system). The program installs in the system device driver by which Windows identifies a virtual drive and can work with him as with the usual. The only difference is that instead of these laser disc image files used by CD and DVD-media. DAEMON Tools works through the system tray menu with which you get access to all its commands.

Operating system: Windows ® 2000/XP/Vista/7
Language: Multi (Russian)
Released: 2010
Size: 10.39 Mb
Medicine: Present

- Automatic updates;
- Creates *. iso and *. mds images by using preset profiles;
- Emulates up to 32 CD / DVD / HD DVD / Blu-ray devices;
- Supports up to 2 IDE devices;
- Burning verify functionality;
- Compression of images;
- Provides the ability to mount an image folder;
- Protects the image of a password;
- Allows you to control image collection;
- Contains a converter;
- Displays properties of virtual devices;
- Provides a friendly user interface.

Key features:
- Auto update;
- Creates *. iso and *. mds images using preset profiles;
- Emulates up to 32 CD / DVD / HD DVD / Blu-ray drives;
- Supports up to two virtual IDE devices;
- Burning verify functionality;
- Compresses images;
- Performs image mounting to physical folders;
- Protects image with password;
- Manages image collection's;
- Includes image converter;
- Monitors virtual devices' properties;
- Offers friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI).

With the new version of DAEMON Tools Pro you can:
Update SPTD to version 1.69,
Work offline (offline) up to 60 days;
Emulate up to 4 IDE devices in addition to 32 SCSI-drive versions of Pro Advanced;
To use the basic functions through a gadget DAEMON Tools in Windows 7 or Windows Vista;
Work through an improved menu and toolbar of the program;
Minimize the program to tray on close;
Create disc images, recorded in the formats MP3, APE, FLAC, etc. with an editor of images;
Use multiseansovy mode for recording discs;
Working in a new Editor interface images;
Install the language pack.

It is based on DT_loader_0.4.exe, DTAgent_loader_0.4.exe, ImgEditor_loader_0.4.exe screwed script for easy installation.
The script copies the loader to the folder Dimon makes backup dtpro.dat (stores in the same folder but with the extension *. bak), adds to the hosts file "", making shortcuts in start-up and the slave . the table "right" (links to the labels are not on the original files, and the loader) "correct" Startup. The tablet runs on Xp, 2003, Vista, 7 (x32/x64). Place the following instructions.
Out Tray Daemon Tools Pro does not run if you do not want sletela registration!
Download: Klik Here

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