Kehidupan hati, adalah sumber dari segala kebaikan. Kematian hati, adalah sumber dari segala keburukan. Hati tidak bisa hidup dan sehat, kecuali dengan menjadikan Allah SWT, sebagai Tuhannya, tujuan hidupnya, dan Sesuatu yang paling dicintainya." (Ibnul Qoyyim Al-Jauziyah)


Kamis, 20 Mei 2010

You're Still The One (Shania Twain)

When I first saw you, I saw love

And the first time you touched me, I felt love

And after all this time, you're still the one I love

Looks like we made it

Look how far we've come my baby

We might took a long way

We knew we'd get there someday

They said, I bet they'll never make it

But just look at us holding on

We're still together still going strong

#You're still the one

You're still the one I run to

The one that I belong to

You're still the one I want for life

You're still the one

You're still the one that I love

The only one I dream of

You're still the one I kiss good night

Ain't nothin' better

We beat the odds together

I'm glad we didn't listen

Look at what we would be missin'

#You're still....

I'm so glad we made it

Look how far we've come my baby

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