Kehidupan hati, adalah sumber dari segala kebaikan. Kematian hati, adalah sumber dari segala keburukan. Hati tidak bisa hidup dan sehat, kecuali dengan menjadikan Allah SWT, sebagai Tuhannya, tujuan hidupnya, dan Sesuatu yang paling dicintainya." (Ibnul Qoyyim Al-Jauziyah)


Selasa, 25 Mei 2010

3 New Mobile Games

Platform: java | English | Quantity:3 | 8.6 Mb | Hf
3 New Mobile Games


Fun Box with a thrilling gameplay and stunning graphics! Each fighter has its own characteristics and style of battle.

Screen size: 128x160, 176x220, 208x208, 240x320, 320x240, 352x416, 360x640, 480x800
Language: English

Domino Story

Help fox over 50 levels add up all the dominoes that fell last bead in the right place.

Screen size: 176x208, 176x220, 240x320
Language: English

Guitar Hero World Tour Backstage Pass

Craps, along with members of your group a tour. Correctly handle the budget for their group and get new orders for concerts. Your task will not only mastering the guitar and drums, but also the vocals.

Screen size: 128x160, 176x220, 240x320, 360x640
Language: English

Klik Here

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