Kehidupan hati, adalah sumber dari segala kebaikan. Kematian hati, adalah sumber dari segala keburukan. Hati tidak bisa hidup dan sehat, kecuali dengan menjadikan Allah SWT, sebagai Tuhannya, tujuan hidupnya, dan Sesuatu yang paling dicintainya." (Ibnul Qoyyim Al-Jauziyah)


Kamis, 20 Mei 2010

Kaspersky Resetter & Key Maniac & Black List Crack & Video

Kaspersky Trial Resetter is the first and only program that is able to reset the license key for all Kaspersky products.
How to:
Follow the next steps to correctly reset the license key for your Kaspersky product.

Disable the Self-Defense. 1
Close your Kaspersky product.
Click on ‘Start Reset’ to begin. 2
Wait for Kaspersky to prompt you to activate.
Activate your product using the online method.

The location of Kaspersky’s ‘Self-Defense’ may vary depending on what version of Kaspersky product you are using. If the removal of the old license key fails then log off or restart your computer and try again.
Kaspersky Resetter & Key Maniac & Black List Crack & Video | 11 MB
To Download Klik Here

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